niedziela, 26 października 2014

Polish teen role models

We don’t have many teenage role models around us. In this age young people are very rebellious. But few of them are affable in contrast to their peers. In my opinnion a person who is inspiration for people is Jasiek Mela.

Jan Mela is polishboy who, as a double amputee, was the youngest person to reach the North Pole when He was 16 and eight months later the South Pole.

Jasiek was pleasant, cheerful teenager. He was always smile and happy. One day he had an accident. He was playing table tenis with friends when it suddenly started raining. He climbed up on an electrical transformer builing and he was electrocuted. After accident surgeons had to amputate his left chis and right forearm. But Jasiek hold your ground. Marek Kamiński helped him in work and train. Finally we reach two Poles and next three mountain tops – Kilimangaro, Elbrus and El Capitan. It’s amazing! Moreover he created the Foundation „Poza horyzonty”

I Admie Jasiek Mela because he is very determined and never back down. He had a big failure but he didn’t fall and surrender. He is a awesome fabulous person. Surely he is teen role model.

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