niedziela, 26 października 2014

The role of school in our lives.

Does school prepare you for day-to-day challenges?

That's a good question. School suppose to prepare us for day-today challenges, but it doesn't. The most of the time in school we spend on learning things that we use in our future jobs. The knowledge about style in art can't really help me in day-to-day challenges. I wouldn't be changing anything in school curriculum because the most of challenges are very easy to overcome.

Does school prepare you for your future life?

School prepare us to future life. Most of us. General education give us nothing. We are not special in any specialization. The students who are studying biology and chemistry and if they are good they can become doctors, if they are good at it. Some people are very creative. They can make completely new product and make a millions and there not need to be used the knowledge learned in school. Maybe some of the school subjects can arouse interest. The student who don't know what to do became more and more interested in the subject. Then it became his passion and then it becomes his job. The role of school not relevant when students are lazy. They won't even show the interest in lesson. They won't acquire knowledge that teacher is trying to give them. Answering the question, school prepares us to our future life, because without education normal man can't find a job.

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